Musical knowledge is the foundation of performance and enjoyment.

When you develop your intellectual abilities and skills, you play better and listen more intently.

Musicians are not paid because of technique, awareness of concepts or to recite historical facts.

But to know what to play and when to listen.

Shosys Academy will help YOU transform your knowledge into a sustainable career.

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Florian F: “Kelvin is a very thoughtful and perceptive teacher….

Alessandro M:  Kelvin makes always feel like playing with joy and without pressure…

Ian M: “Kelvin is always very creative to explain what I have to work on in different ways….

Anna H: ”Kelvin has the unique ability to teach in a very systematic way that still always feels fun and spontaneous…

Nele S: “Kelvin lives music..

Siga B: “Kelvin is a superb teacher who teaches knowledge and technique in a fun way…

Antonio Ciacca: Mr. Sholar’s knowledge is unmatched in the music scene today…

Carl Craig: “Sholar is talented and versed in a plethora of genres…

Greg Burk: “When Kelvin speaks, the depth, clarity and enthusiasm are immediately apparent…”